Zack's shared items

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"It's all crazy! It's all false! It's all a dream! It's alright" review

This is a review in progress. I've only listened to the album 5 times so far, so don't expect too much.

First impressions:
The new mewithoutYou album is epic. I know it is epic because I don't like everything on it from the first listen. It's not sensuous ear candy. Catch for us the Foxes took me 6 months to get into, but when it clicked I listened to it everyday for almost 2 years (no joke). Brother, Sister took me a while to get into as well, but it is still in regular rotation. mewithoutYou records are not about instant satisfaction, they are about longevity. These are the type of albums you lock yourself in your room to listen to and just pour over the lyrics while you listen to the album over and over again and don't you dare even think about skipping any tracks, because that will ruin the experience. I'm thinking I'd like to do a song by song analysis going over the various themes contained within each song because you miss stuff if you don't, and I don't want to miss anything. The lyrics are always center stage with mewithoutYou, you can count on that. Even songs like "Yellow Spider" have huge spiritual themes that need to be chewed on for a long time before being swallowed. That's the problem with most music now days is that you can swallow it whole without much contemplation. Tsk Tsk. Anyway, I'll add to this in about a week or so when I've listened to the album some more. Idealy I'd like to start with the first song and then just go straight through the whole album.

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