Zack's shared items

Sunday, May 17, 2009

brief review of this years events.

Brief review of this school year:

Got back from Sambica completely exhausted and moved into the apartment. Started school 3 days later.

Huge spiritual crisis = very yes.

Started liking this girl in Science class, proceeded to make mistakes.

Had prayer walks around campus with Simeon in the early mornings. My heart wasn't in any of it, but I felt like God could still use it somehow. I'll remember those lessons for a while I think.

Started getting back into the groove of things, started reading "Ethics" by Bonhoeffer and it very much helped reinvigorate my spirit and get my mind turning in all sorts of new directions. "Only the crucified man is at peace with God" almost blows my mind as much as "Let God be true and everyman a liar"

Proceed to Christmas break where (suprisingly) rest and relaxation actually occur. (Calvin commentaries!!!)

School starts.

Andy's wedding?!?! (Still can't get my mind around that, are people I've known since middle school actually getting married?)

Meet Girl.
Date Girl.
Break up with Girl. *God's provincial grace*
Become self-absorbed over Girl.

Started meeting with Pastor Dave (awesome). One of the first talks we had was like getting a brick thrown straight at my face and having it hit dead on. Selfishness= very yes, but reduction is possible when exposed to Jesus Christ.

Not in any particular order: repentence, more mistake making, more repentance. Trying to be less selfish. Trying to be more focused on other people and Jesus instead of myself (insignificant). Read Creation and Fall by Bonhoeffer.

I'm sure there is more to it than that, but thats about all I can remember at the moment. This has been a strange and wonderful school year marked by a lot of self-impossed suffering and some much needed repentance and submission. God is so very good and patient. I don't know what this next summer/school year will hold at all. I'm nervous about some things and excited about others. I want to grow closer to Him by becoming less. I want to figure out what seeing Him as the center of all existance really looks like. I know that I make things a lot messier than they need to be, some people come to this place without the casualties and the struggle, but God knows I have to be difficult. I have to take it as far as it can go or I don't feel satisfied.

Reading list for the summer:
1 and 2 Corinthians
all of the Johns

Other stuff:
Finish "Christian History in Plain Language"
Finish " Vintage Jesus"
Start "Total Church"
Start "Systematic Theology"
Start "Humility"

If I have time:
"Institutes of the Christian Religion"
"On the Bondage of the Will"
"Epistle to the Romans" (Karl Barth commentary)
John Piper/N.T. Right (The whole Justification debate thing thats going on would be cool to read about)

That should keep me busy!

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