Zack's shared items

Monday, April 13, 2009

Simplicity and Beauty

Simplicity, apart from being a very good book by Mark Solomon (, is something that I really can't get my head around. I know that in its essense life is simple, but in some weird way I am incapable of living that way. Right now my stomach is in knots for no real reason I can think of. Anxiety is weird. I used to give this girl I dated so much crap because she was anxious all the time (yes, I was/am a jerk) and here I am struggling with it. I probably struggled with it then too, but anyway, its a lot of the reason I sit and think and never do. I think that belief isn't really belief unless it is acted upon. God speaks things into being. His word is action. I think that our actions and words should be linked like that. I'm still wondering what I am anxious about though, someone always tells me "You can't be anxious for no reason, there has to be something to be anxious about" I suspect that he is right.

I heard these guys talking in the caf a few minutes ago and one of them said "There are no attractive girls here at all." and it made think about it. I have this theory that really isn't my theory at all about how perspective is so skewed that when a guy sees a girl he only sees anatomy and not a person. So, I wonder what beauty really is. I know the cross is beautiful. Sacrifice is probably the most beautiful thing there is. Anyway, I have to go back to work bleh. time to shelve books. Then Arabic class at 4.

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