Zack's shared items

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hell Crabs, Fig Knuckles, and Horseradish!

Holy crap! I'm pretty sure I just had one of the worst experiences in my life (overexaggeration I'm sure, but it feels like it). The whole Bonhoefffer talk totally exploded all over my face lol. I hadn't even thought anyone would take it the way they did, but I guess talking about submission to authority isn't exactly a hit these days. Pretty much I just talked about how the human ability to judge, or to decide, things is a product of the fallen state of mankind, and that we have to submit to another authority in order to see things as they really are. And for me, as I was preparing this I only ever thought about it as a good thing. I don't have to be anything to anyone. I don't have to bear the world upon my shoulders and try and wade my way through the mess of decisions one comes across. Jesus is always the answer, and my submission to him is always the right move. I didn't think about it at all from a view of someone who doesn't believe those things and how the individual is the utmost in our society, how submission is frowned upon (isn't that what terrorist do? No, sir, that is completely contingent upon what they are submitting too) and then disaster...
Guy in class: "Do you really believe any of that?"
Correct answer: "FO SHO!"
my answer: "...maybe?..."
I hate being a coward.

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