Zack's shared items

Monday, July 13, 2009

Why so Serious?

I had a really good talk with my mom on Saturday while we were driving to the new house. Somehow I'm always surprised when she says something awesome even though I always know it's a possibility. Anyway, I was telling her about how I've been thinking so much lately, but that I've had trouble expressing my thoughts in ways that other people understand them. As a result of that I've felt very distant from people lately. On top of that it's almost like no matter what I do anymore I can't help but think about it in terms of mere functionality. What is the point of it?
Example: I went and saw the new Transformers movie with my friends and I was completely incapable of enjoying it because the whole time I was thinking "What is the point of this? They aren't even trying to say anything. 2 + hours and nothing is being said." So in my mind it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen because there is nothing intellectually stimulating about it. I tell her all of these things and she just tells me that I'm thinking too much and not enjoying things enough. Interestingly enough, that was all I needed to hear. It was something I already knew, but I needed someone else to say it. The truth of things is that there are many things in the world that have no point to them, but they are enjoyable. They are ways to spend time with friends and things, and I have been spending so much time analyzing and looking for content that I have forgotten that those things don't matter as much as people do. I've been so busy studying and looking into different ideas that I've lost sight of enjoying people. When my mom said that simple sentence it just dawned on me that it might be selfish of me to want to analyze things all the time. It might be selfish of me to be thinking about those kind of things when I should be enjoying my friends. When I am with people I need to be with them in my mind too. I can't be thinking about other things and not engaged in what is going on. Maybe that is a part of dying to myself, and I've been missing it this whole time! So, I want to apologize to all my friends, and anyone else that I've engaged with but haven't actually been there. I'm sorry and I'm not going to do that anymore. When I am with you I'm going to be with you and you will have my full attention from now on.

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