Zack's shared items

Saturday, August 1, 2009

All you do is talk.

"Help yourself don't say a thing
Your love won't show in anything at all
If all you do is talk"

Can't say anthing new.
I'm stuck on this because it's important.
Words don't mean anything apart from action.
This is the key word for the new year: do.
Let's not worry so much about getting it wrong or right: do.
I'm not talking about the "out there" type of doing either.
You know what I mean, Christian camp, isolation movements.
It needs to be done here. It needs to be lived in the moments
where it is impossible to live it.
The more we see Christ "out there" the harder it is to see Him here.
I read this great article the other day about anxiety and how we need
to give it up in order to be humble. We have to stop thinking so much
about what people think of us or how they will respond. It doesn't
matter. Nothing matters except the gospel of Christ.
But you've all heard it before, I've heard it before.
I'm tired of hearing it. Let's think of practical ways
to do and then do them. No more discussion. Only action
allowed. If you are into that idea let me know, and
lets get started.

1 comment:

  1. yes, practical ways. that's the only way to get started is to DO. when i start actually doing something it kinda feels awkward and unfamilar because i've talked about it for so long that i just get so comfortable with that. talking\thinking. definitely a dangerous thing. thanks for the, as always, encouraging words!
