Zack's shared items

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thought this was interesting...

"What is interesting is that as we grow up our hearts don’t simply mature away from depravity, they simply become more clever at masking and disguising it. Our hearts are filled with envy, comparison, competition about anything and everything."

A truth taken from this article:

There's a lot to think about there. I think what this guy says is 100% accurate. A heart ruled by circumstances is never satisfied.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

laying it down

Yesterday I realized that a lot my opinions about things get in the way of my loving other people. I think certain things are right, and that there is a certain way to do them, and I've been very critical of people who don't see it that way. I think in sense I've been putting the cart before the horse. I have a lot of strong opinions about how I think the gospel and the church should interact with culture but not a lot of interaction. In the very essense of the word I've been a hypocrite. I've cared more about cultivating my opinions and my stance on things than I have about cultivating my brothers and sisters, investing in them and trying to help them grow. I thank God for bringing me to a place where I feel like I can lay those opinions down for a while, (easier said than done though) and just focus on learning how to love people whether I agree with exactly what they are saying or not. God's already taught me a lot about keeping my mouth shut with things, I guess now it's just time to learn to open it again but only with productive things. I know all of this sounds really vague, but honestly I think it's best that way for now until I can learn not to be so judgemental with things. So, really, that's all I have to say about that for the moment. Prayer would be appreciated. :-D